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Play Therapy Video Game for Children

Help your child cope with the challenges of divorce through a fun and interactive video game, designed specifically for children of divorce and legal separation. Earthquake in Zipland takes your child on an exciting adventure that will enable you to sensitively deal with the psychological effects of divorce on children. Play therapy video games rebuild communication between a child and his/her divorced parents. Parenting after divorce begins with helping a child open up and adjust to the new reality.

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Darn Divorce Blog

Divorce can be a painful and difficult process for both parents and their children. Unfortunately, a majority of today’s population is already familiar with this. But, and there is a big ‘But’: It doesn’t have to be the end of the world. The Darn Divorce blog, is a collection of random thoughts and news on the Dreaded D-Word.

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Divorced at 50 – A Personal Blog

While not regularly updated, each post in this blog is from the heart. The writer shares the pain of her divorce, losing her best friend after 32 years together. Follow her journey to retain sanity, nurture her inner self, and find the strength to move on and create a new life.

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4 – Connect with Others

Connect with others, ask questions, and get support through DivorceSupport’s forums. Covers topics such as: custody and visitation, domestic abuse, men’s rights, military divorce and many others.

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SmartMoney and Divorce offers a number of articles on key divorce issues, such as: “When Prenups Fail”, “Divvying Up the Investments”, “The Non-Divorce”, and “Credit Histories Can Stay Married Long After Divorce”.

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We created a social networking site for those of us going through a separation or divorce. In addition to finding others for support, friendship or romance, this site provides resources regarding legal issues, counseling, childcare issues, fun things to do, and general information for the curious.

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7 provides help, advice and community for people contemplating, going through or recovering from divorce and the issues around it - custody, child support, alimony and litigation.

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8 – Affordable Divorce Solutions is an affordable divorce service center. Their online services help you to complete your divorce documents from the comfort of your home, without incurring the cost of an attorney, or dealing with lengthy completion and delivery periods. The total cost is $249.00.

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Find a Divorce Lawyer, Value Your Assets and Much More!

Not only can The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers help you locate a divorce attorney, they also provide “Law Links” to: family law organizations, courts and cases, alternate dispute resolution, custody and parental kidnapping, and links to determine the value of assets. A great divorce resource.

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Locate a Family Therapist Near You –

Over 15,000 marriage and family therapists are listed in These therapists are a highly educated group with everyone in possession of at least a Master's degree. Over one-fourth hold a doctorate or M.D. They also are a very experienced group, averaging 14 to 16 years of experience in practice. All therapists are clinical members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, and as such must meet stringent training and education requirements established by the AAMFT.

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